Welcome to Basic Calculator Online! This simple tool helps you with everyday calculations, combining modern design with essential functions. Checkout our other calculators, Hours Calculator, Percentage Increase Calculator, & more!
What Are the Functions on this Basic Calculator Online?
Basic Calculator offers many features for all your basic and advanced calculation needs. Here’s what it can do:
- Basic Arithmetic: Easily add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers.
- Memory Functions: Save and recall numbers with memory clear (MC), memory recall (MR), memory minus (M-), and memory plus (M+).
- Advanced Calculations: Find square roots (√), percentages (%), and powers (x^y). Use the constant pi (π) for precise calculations.
- Rounding: Quickly round numbers to 2 decimal places (R2) or the nearest whole number (R0).
- Sign Change: Switch the sign of a number between positive and negative (+/-).
- Clear Functions: Clear all entries (AC) or just the last entry (CE).
- Delete Last Entry: Use the delete button (⌫) to remove the last character entered.
About This Calculator
Basic Calculator Online (Calcul Online) is designed to be user-friendly and helpful for everyday use. With a sleek design and easy-to-use features, it helps you handle all your calculations quickly and efficiently. The option to change the calculator’s skin adds a fun and personalized touch to your experience.
How to Use Basic Calculator Online (Calcul Online)
Explore example calculations using Basic Calculator Online. Follow the steps to input numbers and symbols, and perform calculations with the operator buttons. Examples show you how to do simple math and percentages on a calculator. You can also learn how to calculate present value and future value.
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
Repeating Operations
For all the above, if a second operand is not entered, the first operand will be repeated.
Memory Button Actions
Memory Functions
Roots, Exponents, and Power Functions
Order of Operations
Additional Operations
Percentage Operations
Advanced Percentage Calculations
Correcting Mistakes
More About Using the Calculator Memory
The calculator memory is at 0 until you press M+ or M-. Each time you press M+, the number on the display is added to the memory. Each time you press M-, the number on the display is subtracted from the memory. To recall the memory value, press MR. To clear the memory, press MC.
Use AC to clear the current calculation. Use CE to clear the most recent entry. If the AC key is not visible, press CE and then AC to clear your calculation.
You can also check out our tools and calculator calculators: Cool Symbols and Characters, Fancy Text Generator, Typewriter Text, Gothic Text, Cursive Text, Color Picker, and Online Case Converter for more creative options.