Betty Lavea Handwritten Font is a beautiful handwritten font with a flowing, sweet and charming style to makes any design come alive.
Betty Lavea font is excellent to use for headers, logos, captions, posters, invitations, digital graphics, packaging, presentations, headlines, lettering, branding, quotes, titles, magazine headings, web layouts, advertising, especially for the sports branding industry, but just as good for any other projects.
Thanks to Hasta Type for generously sharing this awesome font to our community.
Included With Betty Lavea Handwritten Font
Format: | OTF File Format |
Category: | Handwriting Fonts |
Font Case: | Uppercase, Lowercase, Number, Punctuation and Symbols |
File Size: | 39 KB |
Requirements: | Windows & Mac |
License: | Free For Personal Use Only |
Author: | Hasta Type |