Galinta Signature Font is a handwritten signature script font with a natural & stylish flow. It’s a must-have signature script that has a diverse set of alternates that will surely be used many times over in various projects in the future.
This collection fills a void and separates itself from other scripts available. Galinta font is perfect for personal branding as well as for many applications from personal branding & wedding invitations to advertising could benefit from this signature fonts. These typefaces work well for many different aesthetics. They work well with something like ‘cosmetics’ for example but would also work well with Liquor Labels, Signage, & any type of signature-styled logo.
Big thanks to Letterido Co for sharing this cool font to our community.
Included With Galinta Signature Font
Format: | OTF File Format |
Font Case: | Uppercase, Lowercase and Swash |
Category: | Signature Font |
File Size: | 5 MB |
Requirements: | Windows & Mac |
License: | Free For Personal Use Only |
Author: | Letterido Co |