Grams to Ounces (g to oz) Converter

Convert Grams to Ounces

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Grams to Ounces (g to oz) Converter

Welcome to our Grams to Ounces converter page! This tool helps you convert weight in Grams (g) to weight in Ounces (oz) easily and accurately.

How to Use the Calculator

Using the calculator is simple and straightforward. Follow these detailed steps:

  1. You can enter a value in either the “Weight (g)” field or the “Weight (oz)” field.
  2. If you enter a value in Grams, the corresponding weight in Ounces will be automatically calculated and displayed.
  3. Similarly, if you enter a value in Ounces, the corresponding weight in Grams will be automatically calculated and displayed.


The formulas used for the conversions are:

Weight (oz) = Weight (g) × 0.035274

Weight (g) = Weight (oz) / 0.035274

Why Use Our Calculator?

Our g to oz calculator is a handy tool for anyone needing quick and accurate conversions. Whether you are working on a recipe, measuring ingredients for a project, or any other activity that requires precise weight measurements, this tool can save you time and ensure accuracy.

a table of weight measurement for Grams to Ounces (g to oz) Converter


For instance, if you have a weight of 200 Grams, the weight in Ounces would be calculated as follows:

Weight = 200 g × 0.035274 = 7.0548 oz

Get Started

Ready to convert? Simply start entering your measurements in either field, and see the results instantly!

About Grams to Ounces & Conversion Table


Definition: A gram (symbol: g) is a unit of mass in the metric system. It is equal to one thousandth of a kilogram (kg).

Current Use: Grams are commonly used to measure the mass of ingredients in cooking, as well as small quantities of items in various fields such as science and commerce.


Definition: An ounce (symbol: oz) is a unit of weight used in the United States customary and British imperial systems of measurement. One ounce is approximately equal to 28.3495 grams.

Current Use: Ounces are commonly used to measure smaller weights of ingredients, particularly in cooking and food labeling in the United States.

Conversion Formula:
To convert grams to ounces, use the following formula:
Ounces = Grams × 0.035274
This means one gram is approximately equal to 0.035274 ounces.
Grams [g]
Ounces [oz]
0 g
0 oz
10 g
0.3527 oz
20 g
0.7055 oz
30 g
1.0582 oz
40 g
1.4110 oz
50 g
1.7637 oz
60 g
2.1164 oz
70 g
2.4692 oz
80 g
2.8219 oz
90 g
3.1747 oz
100 g
3.5274 oz
200 g
7.0548 oz
300 g
10.5822 oz
400 g
14.1096 oz
500 g
17.6370 oz
600 g
21.1644 oz
700 g
24.6918 oz
800 g
28.2192 oz
900 g
31.7466 oz
1000 g
35.2740 oz

Related Article

How Many Grams in an Ounce (oz to g)? Calculator & Conversions

Grams to Ounces (g to oz) Converter FAQs

How do I convert 200 Grams to Ounces?

To convert 200 Grams to Ounces:

1. Know that 1 Gram is equal to approximately 0.035274 Ounces.

2. Use the conversion formula: amount in Ounces = amount in Grams × 0.035274.

3. Apply the formula: 200 Grams × 0.035274 = 7.0548 Ounces.

Thus, 200 Grams is equal to 7.0548 Ounces.

How do I convert 100 Ounces to Grams?

To convert 100 Ounces to Grams:

1. Remember that 1 Ounce is equal to approximately 28.3495 Grams.

2. Use the formula: amount in Grams = amount in Ounces × 28.3495.

3. Apply the formula: 100 Ounces × 28.3495 = 2834.95 Grams.

So, 100 Ounces is equal to 2834.95 Grams.

How can I measure Ounces without a measuring tool?

If you need to measure Ounces without a measuring tool, try these methods:

1. Use a container with a known weight and convert the measured weight from Grams to Ounces.

2. Use a known weight reference, such as a tablespoon (approximately 0.5 Ounces), and convert to Grams.

3. Use a digital scale or a smartphone app that can measure weights and convert the measurement to Ounces.

How do Grams compare to Ounces?

One Gram is approximately equal to 0.035274 Ounces. Conversely, one Ounce is approximately equal to 28.3495 Grams.

For reference, 200 Grams is equal to 7.0548 Ounces, and 300 Grams is equal to 10.5822 Ounces.

Can I use your tool to convert between Grams and Ounces?

Yes, our Grams to Ounces Converter allows you to easily convert between Grams and Ounces.

Simply input the weight value in Grams or Ounces, and the tool will automatically calculate and display the conversion result.

Additional Conversion Tools

If you need more conversion options, explore our other related tools:

Weight Calculators

ml to oz Converter

ml to cups Converter

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