M Symbols

M symbols offer a variety of unique text symbols for easy copy-paste use in any text editor, chat, or social media platform.

Related Symbols

About M Symbols Tool

Welcome to the M Symbols Tool! This tool makes it easy to find and use special styles of the letter โ€œM.โ€ You can use these symbols for fun projects, social media posts, or just to make your writing look unique.

Using this tool is simple:

  • Click on any โ€œMโ€ symbol you like from the list below.
  • The symbol will appear in the symbol board above.
  • Keep adding as many symbols as you want to make your own collection.
  • When youโ€™re ready, click the Copy button to save all the symbols. If you want to clear everything and start fresh, use the Clear button.

M symbols for quick copy-paste. Find unique ‘M’ styles for social media, design, and fun text. Easy to use and simple layout.

M symbols for quick copy-paste. Find unique 'M' styles for social media, design, and fun text. Easy to use and simple layout.

Each symbol has a different style. Hereโ€™s a table to show what each one looks like and a brief description:

โ“‚U+24C2Circled Latin Capital Letter M
โ“œU+24DCCircled Latin Small Letter M
๐Ÿ…œU+1F18CSquared Latin Capital Letter M
๐•„U+1D544Mathematical Double-Struck Capital M
๐•žU+1D55EMathematical Double-Struck Small M
๐“œU+1D4DCMathematical Bold Script Capital M
๐“ถU+1D4F6Mathematical Bold Script Small M
๐‘€U+1D4A8Mathematical Italic Capital M
๐“‚U+1D4C2Mathematical Italic Small M
๐ŒU+1D40EMathematical Bold Capital M
๐ฆU+1D428Mathematical Bold Small M
๏ผญU+FF2DFullwidth Latin Capital Letter M
๐Ÿ…ผU+1F17CNegative Squared Latin Capital Letter M
๐Ÿ„ผU+1F13CWhite Circle Latin Capital Letter M
๐•ธU+1D56EMathematical Fraktur Capital M
๐–’U+1D590Mathematical Sans-Serif Small M
๐”U+1D50CMathematical Fraktur Capital M
๐”ชU+1D526Mathematical Fraktur Small M
โ’จU+24A8Parenthesized Latin Small Letter M
๐˜”U+1D620Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Capital M
๐˜ฎU+1D63AMathematical Sans-Serif Bold Small M
๐™ˆU+1D5F6Mathematical Sans-Serif Italic Capital M
๐™ขU+1D610Mathematical Sans-Serif Italic Small M
แดU+1D0DLatin Letter Small Capital M
เตฌU+0D6CMalayalam Digit Six
เตฉU+0D69Malayalam Digit Three
เดฃU+0D23Malayalam Letter Nna
เคจU+0928Devanagari Letter Na
โ™U+264FScorpio Symbol
ีŠU+054AArmenian Capital Letter Pe
๐ŒผU+1033COld Italic Letter M
โฒ˜U+2C98Coptic Capital Letter Mi
โฒ™U+2C99Coptic Small Letter Mi
โ„ณU+2133Script Capital M
แ›—U+16D7Runic Letter Mannaz (M)
โ‚ฅU+20A5Mill Sign
MฬƒU+004D U+0303Latin Capital M with Tilde
mฬƒU+006D U+0303Latin Small M with Tilde
แตฏU+1D6FModifier Letter Small M
โฑฎU+2C6ELatin Capital Letter M with Hook
ษฑU+0271Latin Small Letter M with Hook

How to Use:

  1. Click any symbol to add it to the board.
  2. Use the Copy button to save all selected symbols.
  3. Reset the board with the Clear button.