Here is Merry Script Handwritten Font, a simple, unique, beautiful and charming looking font makes it appear wonderfully down-to-earth, readable, and ultimately to any of your Christmas projects!
It contains uppercase, lowercase, number, punctuation, symbols and support multilingual.
Merry Script font is ideal for branding, photo overlays, watermark, typography, greeting cards, posters, business card, branding projects, social media posts, magazines, book covers, invitations, wedding, photography, fashion, apparel, letter, stationery, etc.
Thanks to Thomas Aradea for generously sharing this awesome font to our community.
Included With Merry Script Handwritten Font
Format: | TTF File Format |
Category: | Handwritten Font |
Font Case: | Uppercase, Lowercase, Number, Punctuation, Symbols and Support Multilingual |
File Size: | 33 KB |
Requirements: | Windows & Mac |
License: | Free for Personal Use Only |
Author: | Thomas Aradea |