Natalia Handwritten Font is a handwritten old style font, design for text blocks to complement a font, to achieve a look and feel of a personal touch, or a hand made style if you will.
It contains uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuation, symbols, ligatures and multilingual support. Natalia is perfect for posters, logos, branding, promotional material, apparel, invitation, greeting cards, and other everyday designs. Please Enjoy!
Thanks to Juan Miguel Castillo for sharing this awesome font with all of us today.
Included With Natalia Handwritten Font
Format: | OTF File Format |
Category: | Handwriting Fonts |
Font Case: | Uppercase, Lowercase, Number, Punctuation, Symbol, Ligatures and Support Multilingual |
File Size: | 119 KB |
Requirements: | Windows & Mac |
License: | Free For Personal Use |
Author: | Juan Miguel Castillo |