Pastelyn Handwritten Font is a handwritten script font based on the expression of real handwriting. It comes with Uppercase and Lowercase Glyphs Only.
Pastelyn will work perfectly for fashion, e-commerce brands, trend blogs, wedding boutiques, logo, greeting cards, quotes, posters, branding, name card, stationary, design title, blog header, art quote, typography, art, modern envelope lettering or book design, or any business that wants to appear upscale and chic.
Thanks to Craft Supply Co. for generously sharing this awesome font for free to our community.
Included With Pastelyn Handwritten Font
Format: | OTF and TTF File Format |
Category: | Handwriting Font |
Font Case: | Uppercase and Lowercase |
File Size: | 53 KB |
Requirements: | Windows & Mac |
License: | Free For Personal Use Only |
Author: | Craft Supply Co. |